Finalized by the
Staff Side at the meeting of 25.10.2013.
To examine the existing structure of pay, allowances and other
benefits/facilities, retirement benefits like Pension, Gratuity, other terminal
benefits etc. to the following categories of employees.
Central Government employees – industrial and non industrial;
Personnel belonging to All India services;
Personnel belonging to the Defence Forces;
Personnel called as Grameen Dak Sewaks belonging to the Postal Department;
5 Personnel of Union
6 Officers and employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department;
Officers and employees of the Supreme Court;
Members of Regulatory bodies (excluding RBI) set up under Act of Parliament.
To work out the comprehensive revised pay packet for the categories
of Central Government employees mentioned in (A) above as on 1.1.2014.
C. The Commission will determine the pay structure, benefits
facilities, retirement benefits etc. taking into account the need to provide
minimum wage with reference to the recommendation of the 15th Indian
Labour Conference (1957) and the subsequent judicial pronouncement of the
honorable Supreme Court there-on, as on 1.1.2014.
To determine the Interim Relief needed to be sanctioned immediately
to the Central Government employees
and Pensioners mentioned in (A)
To determine the percentage of Dearness allowance/Dearness Relief
immediately to be merged with Pay and pension
To settle the anomalies raised in various fora of JCM.
G. To work out the improvements needed to the existing retirement benefits, like pension, death cum
retirement gratuity, family pension and
other terminal or recurring benefits
maintaining parity amongst past, present and future pensioners and family
pensioners including those who entered service on or after 1.1.2004.
Dear Comrades,
VII-CPC – Terms of
The members of the National
Secretariat of the Confederation available at New Delhi met on 23rd
Oct. 2013 and again on 24th October, 2013 to discuss and formulate
our views on the 7th CPC terms of Reference. On the basis of the discussions, we prepared a
draft terms of reference and submitted it for consideration of the Staff
Side. The important points we placed in
our draft for the consideration of the staff side were:-
The Commission to examine the
present structure of pay and allowances and suggest changes.
To give effect to its
recommendations from 1.1.2011 i.e. wage revision must be after every five years.
D.A (50%) to be merged with pay
with effect from 1.1.2011.
To determine Interim relief
taking into account the erosion in the value of wages over the years,
To include GDS within the ambit
of the 7th Central Pay Commission.
To revise the retirement
benefits and accord pension maintaining parity in quantum in respect of past,
present and future pensioners.
To extend the statutory defined
benefit pension to those who have entered service after 1.1.2004.
To settle the anomalies raised
in various fora of JCM on a priority basis and within a specified time frame.
To provide cashless/hazzle free
Medicare to employees and pensioners.
The Government of India had convened a meeting of the Staff side representatives
on 24.10.2013 to discuss the terms of reference. The meeting took place at 3.00PM on 24th
under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Personnel.
Besides the points mentioned above, the staff raised many other matters
connected with the setting up of the CPC. viz. the inclusion of labour
Representative as a Member of the Commission; the anomalous situation brought about by the Grade pay based
MACP Scheme; the requirement of a mechanism to settle the 6th CPC
related anomalies; the need to allow the
proposals of Cadre Review to be examined by the Government independently
without referring it to CPC; to have members
in the Commission who have gained expertise to impart to the Commission the
nuances and functional requirements of various Departments; to relook at the new Pay Structure brought in
by the 6th CPC in the light of the experience between 2008 to 2013
etc. In conclusion the staff side
requested the Government to provide it with a draft terms of reference taking
into account the views placed by them.
It was also proposed by the Staff Side that on exchange of the draft
terms of reference prepared by the Staff Side and the Official Side, a meeting
with the Secretary, Personnel and Secretary, Expenditure could be arranged to
iron out the differences, if any.
The Staff Side met again on 25th at its office and
deliberated upon various views presented by different organisations and finalised
the draft terms of reference. We shall publish the said draft terms of
reference as and when the same is submitted to the Government.
It is obvious that despite the unanimous position taken by all the
organisations, the Government may not necessarily agree with many of the basic
issues, viz. Date of effect, merger of
DA, Interim Relief, Coverage of GDS etc.
We appeal to our affiliates/ State COCs to continue the campaign amongst
the employees to generate necessary sanctions.
With greetings,