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COC Karnataka
The COC Karnataka meeting held on 4th August 2015 at 6.30 pm at City RMS Bangalore discussed the following issues under the chairmanship of Comrade Radhakrishna President COC Karnataka.
1) 2nd September 2015 National Strike and its preparation.
2) 23rd November Indefinite Strike:
3) All India Two days Women’s Workshop of Confederation to be held at Hyderabad on 9th & 10th October 2015.
4) Formation of district JCA.
5) COC subscription and financial position.
Comrade Radhakrishna President COC Karnataka welcomed the members he informed the need for 2nd September strike as the Government is intending to amend the labour laws without consulting the trade unions, which will be against the interest of the workers and employees. He also informed that minimum wage of Rs 26,000/- as demanded by the staff side JCM with effect from 1/1/2014 is being rejected by the 7th CPC. The 7th CPC date of effect shall be from 1/1/2016 there by denial of right wages. This injustice to Central Government Employees should be fought. He also informed that major central government departments such as Railways, Defence and Postal are being made as corporate sector.
Com Prasad General Secretary welcomed the members and informed the need for the 2ndSeptember 2015 strike and he said that the right to strike is being denied to the workers , which will result in government not accepting the demands of the workers and employees. He also said as per the calculations made in respect of minimum wage considering even the government rates it works out Rs 26,000/- hence the fitment formula works out to 3.72. This minimum wage and rightful fitment formula is being denied. Hence we should join the National strike on 2nd September.
Com Ravindran Pillai all India leader of the All India Defence Employees Federation informed that the defence civilian employees will also participate in the National strike on 2nd September. He said defence establishments are being privatised. Hence there is a need for joining the National strike on 2nd September.
Com Chandrashekar President of All India Postal Employees Union Group “C”, Com M.B.Krishnappa of All India Postal Employees Postmen and MTS union , Com A.Srinivas Circle Secretary of RMS union, Com Ramakrishna of RMS employees union, Com Jayaram of ITEF, Com Viday Simha of AG’s , Com L.R.Sreenivas of CGHS, Com Ganesh of Survey of India, Com Umesh Kamatgi of Ground Water Board, Com Suresh of Census EDP and Com Kameshwari of IMD spoke and pledged their support for National strike on 2nd September.
It was decided to make the national strike on 2nd September a grand success .by campaign; necessary posters will be printed and distributed.
The central leaders will be visiting Bangalore on 27th August 2015 including Com M.Krishnan Secretary General Confederation of CG Employees and Workers and Com Rajgopal Joint Secretary Confederation of CG Employees and Workers .
In this connection three gate meetings are planned on 27th August as follows at Bangalore.
a) At ITEF from 1 pm to 2 pm.
b) At GPO from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm
c) At Kendriya sadhan / Survey of India from 3pm to 4pm
d) At city RMS from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm
e) If any other association wishes to have GB meeting they can contact the General Secretary in advance.
The COC meeting will be held on 27th August 2015 at 6.30 pm at City RMS Bangalore to review the strike preparations.
The All India Two days Women’s Workshop of Confederation to be held at Hyderabad on 9th & 10th October 2015. It was decided to nominate two delegates for the said meeting.
All COC affiliates are requested to pay the COC subscription for the year 2015-16 at the rate of Rs 10/- per member.
Comradely yours
General Secretary