The news and views of Central Government Employees of Karnataka State
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Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Joint Consultative Machinery
Department of Personnel and Training has given detailed procedures of Joint Consultative Machinery and Arbitration as Frequently Asked Questions…
The JCM Scheme provides for setting up of Joint Councils at the National, Departmental and Regional/Office levels. This mechanism is available for resolving issues pertaining to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees. The National Council is the apex body. The Council deals with matters affecting Central Govt. employees generally. The Chairman of this Council is Cabinet Secretary. The ordinary meeting of the Council shall be held as often as necessary, and not less than once in four months.
1. What is Joint Consultative Machinery?
The scheme of Joint Consultative Machinery is a platform for constructive dialogue between the representatives of the staff side and the official side for peaceful resolution of all disputes between the Government as employer and the employees. The scheme was introduced in 1966 with the objectives of promoting harmonious relations and securing the greatest measure of cooperation between the Central Government as the employer and the employees in matters of common concern and with the object of further increasing the efficiency of the public service combined with the well being of those employed. The scheme is a non statutory one mutually agreed upon between the staff side and the official side.
2. What is the applicability of the JCM Scheme?
The scheme covers all regular civil employees of the Central Government, except:
(a)The Class -I services;
(b)The Class-II services, other than the Central Secretariat Services and the other comparable services in the headquarters organisation of the Government;
(c) Persons in industrial establishments employed mainly in managerial or administrative capacity, and those who being employed in supervisory capacity drawing salary going beyond grade pay of Rs.4200/- per month;
(d)Employees of the Union Territories; and
(e)Police personnel.
3. What is the structure of the Joint Councils under the JCM Scheme?
The scheme provides for setting up of Joint Councils at the National, Departmental and Regional / Office levels. The National Council, chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, is the apex body.
4. How are staff side members selected for various Joint Councils?
The representatives of the staff side for various Joint Councils are chosen / selected from members of the recognized service
associations/ unions.
5. What is the time schedule for holding meetings of the National! Departmental Councils?
As per the JCM Scheme, ordinary meeting of the National Council/ Departmental Council may be held as often as necessary as but not less than once in four months.
6. How recognition is granted to the staff associations?
The Department of Personnel & Training being the nodal department for matters relating to Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration, has notified Central Civil Services (Recognition of Associations) Rules, 1993 for the purpose of granting recognition to various service associations. Recognition is actually granted by the concerned Ministry/Department in accordance with the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993. In case of any doubt or confusion, the matter is referred to the JCA Section of the Department of Personnel & Training for clarification / advice.
7. What are the facilities available to recognised associations?
The recognized associations/ unions enjoy certain facilities like:
(a) Negotiations with the employer;
(b)Correspondence and meetings with the head of the administrative departments;
(c)Provision of accommodation for the associations subject to availability;
(d)Facility of special casual leave up to 20/35 days in a year to the office bearers of the associations.
(e)Payment of T.A/ D.A for attending officially sponsored meetings; and
(f) Facility of seeking transfer of Chief Executive of the Union /association to the Headquarters of the appropriate head of administration.
8. What will happen if there is no agreement between the staff and the official side?
If there is no agreement between the staff and the official side on an arbitrable issue, then the matter is to be referred to the Board of Arbitration if so desired by the staff side.
9. What are the Issues on which arbitration is possible?
The arbitration is limited to the following issues:
(a) Pay and allowances;
(b) Weekly hours of work; and
(c) Leave
10. Is the award given by the Board of Arbitration binding on the parties?
The award given by the Board of Arbitration is binding on the Government as well as the staff side subject to the overriding authority of the Parliament. The award can be modified / rejected only with the approval of the Parliament through a
formal resolution on grounds affecting national economy or social justice.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
One day Strike
Family pension - list of documents
No, 1/16/2011- P&PW(E)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
(Desk 'E’)
3rd Floor Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi the 8th December, 2011.
Office Memorandum
Sub: Family pension - list of documents to be submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) along with Form 14. PPO and death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner regarding.
The Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has been receiving references for clarification by various Ministries/Departments of the Government regarding the documents for family pension, including certificate of income, required to be submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) along with application form (Form 14), PPO and death certificate after the death of a pensioner/family pensioner. The matter was also discussed at length in the 20mth meeting of SCOVA held on 21st September, 2011 (item No. 92 of the Minutes refers). It was agreed in the meeting that a list of such documents will be made available at the website of the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare. It was pointed out in the meeting that it is indicated in this Departments Office Memorandum No.45/51/97-P&PW(E), dated 21.7.1999 that a self certificate for the income of those who are self employed or are in receipt of income from sources other than employment may be accepted. It was decided to send a copy of this all member associations of SCOVA.
2. This is informed that the claims submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) for family pension after the death of a pensioner/family pensioner, in Form 14 and supported by the death certificate and PPO of the pensioner/family pensioner, may be processed in consultation with the Pay and Accounts Officer, who is the custodian of the pension file which contains all relevant Forms and information of the pensioner. In a very rare case where the name of the claimant member is not available in the records of the Head of Office as well as the Pay & Accounts Officer concerned and the claimant member also fails to submit a copy of PPO or Form 3 containing 'Details of Family submitted earlier by the deceased employee/pensioner, the certificates prescribed at serial number 9(v) of Form 14 may be accepted. In addition to these certificates, PAN Card, Matriculation Certificate, Passport. CGHS Card, Driving License Voter’s ID Card and Aadhar Number may also be accepted. Acceptance of voter’s ID card and Aadhar Number is subject to the condition that the pensioner/family pensioner certifies that he/she is not a matriculate and he/she does not have any of the documents mentioned in Form 14 or above Apart from these documents, the Ministries/Departments may accept any other document submitted by the claimant, which may be relied upon and which establishes the relationship of the claimant with the pensioner and/or contains his/her date of birth.
3. The applicant has also to prove that no other surviving member in the family, who may have a prior entitlement for family pension is eligible. For this purpose, the above and/or any other documents, such as marriage/death/income certificates of the other members which may be essential in a given situation may be used.
4. As decided in the SCOVA meeting, a copy of O.M. No.45/51/97-P&PW(E), dated 21.7.1999 is enclosed for circulation to all Ministries/Departments/Associations.
(D.K. Solanki)
Under Secretary
New Pension Scheme (NPS) i
New Pension Scheme
PIB : New Pension Scheme (NPS) is a defined contribution scheme, its pay out depends upon the amount of contribution and the growth on the investment over a period of time for an individual while defined benefit schemes pay out is defined and is based on salary and number of years in service etc. at the time of retirement of an individual.
At the time of normal retirement after attaining 60 years, the subscriber can withdraw 60% of the accumulated wealth and will be required to invest remaining 40% of the accumulated wealth to buy a life annuity from insurance company approved by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA). The mandatory provision of annuitisation will be invested to buy life annuities as per various options available to him. The amount of annuity varies depending upon the option selected by him. Registration of ASPs (Annuity Service Providers) is under process and as soon as they get registered, other details will be made available.
In old pension scheme government pays pension after retirement as its liability while in NPS government co-contributes to employee during his service period to build up a corpus on which annuities will be paid.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha
Friday, November 25, 2011
March to Parilament on PFRDA

Thousands of Employees from different parts of country marched to Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 25th November 2011 to protest against PFRDA bill. They demanded withdrawal of PFRDA bill in Parliament. The participants included State Government Employes, Teachers, Pensioners ,Railways(AIRF), Defence(AIDEF) and other Central Government Employees under the banner of Confederation of Central Government Employees which includes Postal, Income Tax, CSS, AG's Ground Water, Postal Accounts,etc lakhs of signatures collected from employees was presented to the Hon'ble Prime Minster.
A seven member delegation consisting of Coms. S K Vyas, (Convenor, Steering Committee) Shiv Gopal Mishra, (General Secretary, AIRF), KKN Kutty, (Secy. General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers) S.N. Pathak, (President, AIDEF) P. Abhimanyu (General Secretary, BSNLEU) Rajendran (General Secretary, STFI) and Sukomal Sen (Sr. Vice President, AISGEF) met the Hon'ble Prime Minister today along with Com Basudeb Acharya, MP and Com. Tapan Sen, MP and General Secretary of CITU. The delegation appealed to the Prime Minister to reconsider the government's policy of privatisation of pension funds and withdraw the PFRDA bill which seeks to replace the existing defined benefit Pension Scheme of government employees. The concern and anxiety of the government employees over the financial security in the evening of their life was also brought to the notice of the Prime Minister.
The petition to the Prime minister elaborated the various reasons as to why the present bill will be neither in the interest of the employees nor will benefit the Government Exchequer (Copy enclosed).
The Hon'ble Prime Minister assured the delegation of the consideration of the petition and the feasibility of providing a guarantee for a minimum pension which the Standing Committee had recommended but unfortunately not found approval of the Cabinet. The Prime Minister informed the delegation that his Government would not do anything to harm the interest of the employees.
The rally was concluded at 2.30 PM. On behalf of the Steering Committee, Com. Vyas announced that the employees will organize two hour walk out on the next day the Parliament takes up the PFRDA Bill for consideration
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
March to Parliament on PFRDA :
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
PFRDA bill
The government had decided not to mention FDI capin the legislation itself for retaining the flexibility of changing it through an executive order. The 26 per cent FDI cap is to be mentioned in the regulations to the legislation.
The changes to the PFRDA Bill were approved by the Union Cabinet at its meeting here.
The Bill, which has already been scrutinised by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, is likely to be taken up for consideration and passage in the Winter Session beginning November 22.
"The government is of the view that FDI cap in the pension should be at 26 per cent at par with the insurance sector. However, it would like to retain the flexibility of changing the cap of FDI as and when required and that is why it has not been kept as part of the bill", an official spokesperson said.
The proposed legislation, the official said, will not provide assured returns to the subscribers of pension schemes.
The Committee, which is headed by senior BJP leader and former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha, wanted the government to specify the FDI cap in the legislation itself and provide minimum guaranteed return to subscribers.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, the 1st November, 2011.
Office Memorandum
Sub:- Revision of PPOs of pre—2006 family pensioners — regarding.
Director Ph:24624752
Friday, November 4, 2011
1) No Contractulasation of permanent jobs
2) Minimum wages of Rs 10,000
3) Enhance Bonus ceiling amount from Rs 3500/-
4) Pension for all.
Program on 8/11/11 at 10 am at Mysore Bank Circle
join enmass
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
PRDA Signaute campaign
The Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi
Sub: Request for Scrapping of PFRDA Bill
We submit this petition to bring to your kind notice certain aspects of the re-introduced PFRDA Bill which will have an extremely adverse impact on the pension and retirement benefits of the Government employees. We may also state in this connection that the contributory pension scheme will be a drain on the exchequer.
The guiding principle adopted in determining the pay package of civil servants is to spread out the wage compensation over a long period of time because of which the wages during the work tenure is low to enable pension payment on retirement. This makes the pension a ”deferred wage”, which the Supreme Court has upheld as such in their landmark judgment in the case of D.S. Nakara Vs. Union of India. As the bill does not provide implicit or explicit assurance of a minimum pension except marked based guarantee, the civil servant even after contributing huge sums to pension fund may end up with no annuity if the invested company become bankrupt or the equity market crashes. Moreover the annuity which would be the pension under the new scheme being not cost indexed will make it difficult for the pensions to make the both ends meet.
The Committee set up by the 6th CPC has concluded that the new contributory pension scheme will increase the outflow from the exchequer from Rs. 14,284 Crores to Rs. 57088 Crores by 2038. The Committee has also observed that the pension liability of the Government which was 0.5% of the GDP in 2004-05 under the defined benefit scheme is likely to decline if the same is not replaced by the contributory pension scheme as envisaged in the PFRDA bill. The Committee has ultimately recommended that the existing “Pay as you go” pension which is presently in vogue will be ideal and may be continued.
Since the new scheme is neither in the interest of the country as it increases the outflow on account of pension liability nor to the Civil Servants for it does not guarantee a minimum pension, we appeal to you kindly cause withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill from the Parliament immediately.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Monday, October 24, 2011
SMS Messages
To Receive SMS Messages of COC send SMS from your mobile as
Sunday, October 23, 2011
COC convention Photos
On 22nd October 2011 from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm
Venue : Income Tax Office,Queens Road Bangalore -1
Speakers :
Com. S. K. Vyas, President Confederation of CGEs
Com M.S.Raja Secretary Confederation of CGEs
The Karnataka State Committee of Confederation had organised a well attended Convention on charter of demands of CG Employees and PFRDA on 22/10/11 afternoon at ITEF Bangalore.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
State level Convention of COC on 22nd Oct 2011.
State Level Convention On PFRDA & Demand Constitution of 7th CPC
On 22nd October 2011 from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm
Venue : Income Tax Office,Queens Road Bangalore -1
Speakers :
Com. S. K. Vyas, President Confederation of CGEs
Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General Confederation of CGEs
Com M.S.Raja Secretary Confederation of CGEs
Friday, October 7, 2011
COC Meeting on 11/10/11
Preparation for COC Convention & NE Meeting of Confederation
COC subscription for 2011-12
All Affiliates are requested to Attend COC Meeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Confederation Circular
On 20th October, 2011, Demonstration before Chairman, Welfare Coordination Committee at Income Tax Office is being organised under the banner of COC.
SMS Messages
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Some comrades are blocking the mesages through DNB (Donot distrurb) hence we are unable to send the messages for these people who are having DNB facility in SMS mobile
Now please send SMS to your operator as
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DA Orders Expected on 3/10/2011
All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of August, 2011 increased by 1 point and stood at 194 (58% DA at 189 points)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Dharna program on PFRDA
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
COC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
COC Meeting
Friday, September 9, 2011
Trade Unions Demands
Five point demands formulated jointly by the Central Trade Unions and Federations for 1) concrete measures to contain price rise 2) concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs, 3) Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws, 4) universal social security cover tor the unorganized sector workers without any restriction and creation of a NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour and 5) Stoppage of disinvestment in central and state PSUs, the National Convention of Workers also demands immediate action by the Govt of India to ensure:-
No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and till then payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry/establishment
Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs.10,000/- per month with indexation
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Grand Success of Mass Meeting
Father of Com. Seetha Laxmi Vice President COC , ASG, NFPE & Circle Secretary P-IV Karnataka aged 76 years expired today dated 06.09.2011.Karnataka COC conveys heartfelt condolences to Com. Seetha Laxmi and her family and prays for eternal peace of departed soul.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Rally on 6th September 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Joint Convention on PFRDA

Dear Comrades,
The Joint Convention on PFRDA was organised by All karnataka State Govt Employees Federation(Okkutta) , All India Defence Employees Federation, Co ordination Committee of Central government Employees(COC) and Railway Employees (DREU) at Secretariat club, Cubbon Park on 23.08.2011.
Com. R Elangovan Working President DREU( Dhakshina Railway Employees union) and Com. K Raghavendran Working President Confederation of CG Employees New Delhi ,They have explained how this PFRDA bill is against the working class and need for 7th CPC constitution and formation of District COC , etc.
Friday, August 19, 2011
M. K. Pandhe No More
M. K. Pandhe (Madhukar Kashinath Pandhe) (June 11, 1924 - August 20, 2011) was a Politburo member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from 2002 [1] and is also the General Secretary of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), one of the largest Trade Unions in India. He breathed his last, at Ram Manohar Lohya Hospital, New Delhi at the age of 86.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Joint Convention on PFRDA
On 23rd August 2011 at 1 pm.
Withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill,
Constitute 7th Central Pay Commission for Central Govt. Employees.
Merge DA with pay for all purposes including pension as the DA rates crossed the 51% .
Address by:
Confederation leaders,
Railways leaders
State Govt.(Okkuta) leaders
AIDEF Leaders
All are welcome, Attend in large numbers ,Make this convention a grand sucess
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
PFRDA Signature Campaign
Collect signatures from all ( Friends, Relatives, Govt servants, Employees etc) each employee should collect a minimum of 10 signatures and submit it to Karnataka COC before 1st September 2011, take print out and circulate it.
The Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi
Sub: Request for Scrapping of PFRDA Bill
We submit this petition to bring to your kind notice certain aspects of the re-introduced PFRDA Bill which will have an extremely adverse impact on the pension and retirement benefits of the Government employees. We may also state in this connection that the contributory pension scheme will be a drain on the exchequer.
The guiding principle adopted in determining the pay package of civil servants is to spread out the wage compensation over a long period of time because of which the wages during the work tenure is low to enable pension payment on retirement. This makes the pension a ”deferred wage”, which the Supreme Court has upheld as such in their landmark judgment in the case of D.S. Nakara Vs. Union of India. As the bill does not provide implicit or explicit assurance of a minimum pension except marked based guarantee, the civil servant even after contributing huge sums to pension fund may end up with no annuity if the invested company become bankrupt or the equity market crashes. Moreover the annuity which would be the pension under the new scheme being not cost indexed will make it difficult for the pensions to make the both ends meet.
The Committee set up by the 6th CPC has concluded that the new contributory pension scheme will increase the outflow from the exchequer from Rs. 14,284 Crores to Rs. 57088 Crores by 2038. The Committee has also observed that the pension liability of the Government which was 0.5% of the GDP in 2004-05 under the defined benefit scheme is likely to decline if the same is not replaced by the contributory pension scheme as envisaged in the PFRDA bill. The Committee has ultimately recommended that the existing “Pay as you go” pension which is presently in vogue will be ideal and may be continued.
Since the new scheme is neither in the interest of the country as it increases the outflow on account of pension liability nor to the Civil Servants for it does not guarantee a minimum pension, we appeal to you kindly cause withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill from the Parliament immediately.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
RMS Employees on Strike at Bangalore
Pl Click here for strike details
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Hike rate of return on GPF, panel advises govt
<><><><> <><><><>Hike rate of return on GPF, panel advises govt |
Press Trust of India / New Delhi August 02, 2011, 19:32 IST |
Dear Comrades! you are aware that the Confederation has been demanding for the enhancement of the interest rate on the GPF of Central Government Employees and this had been one of the demands of the CG Employees Charter. Now according to the PTI, a Parliamentary Panel headed by the former Finance Minister Sri. Yashwant Sinha has recommened hike to the GPF interest rates. We are reproducing the news item [courtsy: Central Government Employees News]: A Parliamentary panel today asked the Central government to increase the rate of return on provident fund for its employees in the light of rising bank rates and EPFO's decision to hike its rate to 9.5% for 2010-11. "The rate of interest on General Provident Fund (GPF) which is pegged at 8% may be reviewed so that government employees are not put to any disadvantage more so now when the interest rates for bank deposits has also been raised," the Standing Committee on Finance suggested in its report. If the suggests of the panel finds favour from the government, over 50 lakh Centre's employees will stand to benifit. The panel headed by former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha, pointed out that retirement fund body Employees Provident Fund Organiation has also increased rate of interest on PF deposits to 9.5% for 2010-11 from 8%. The EPFO had been paying 8.5% interest on PF deposits since 2005-06. In September last year, it had recommended an increase in interest rate to 9.5% for 2010-11 after discovering Rs 1,731 crore surplus in their books of accounts. In the present scenario, the bank rates are also increasing. Reserve Bank of India has increased its short term lending and borrowing rates by half a percentage point to 8 and 7%, respectively in its recent quarterly review unveiled on July 26. Following the central bank's rate hike, some private and public sector have also hiked their rates. |
Monday, August 1, 2011
Confederation Meeting at Chennai
National Secretariat meeting and its decisions.
The meeting of the National Secretariat of Confederation was held at Chennai on 30th July, 2011. Comrade S.K.Vyas President was in Chair. The following decisions were taken.
1. The campaign for popularising the charter of demands adopted at the National Council meeting held at Mumbai on 1st December, 2010 could not be undertaken in an effective manner as the major affiliate NFPE had to be busy with the preparation of the indefinite strike action.
2. The meeting decided that prior to any action programme; an intensive campaign is a pre requisite. Accordingly the following programmes were chalked out.
(a) Every affiliate will circulate the charter of demands along with the explanatory note amongst the employees. Meetings will be organised in front of all offices to explain the demands to the members. Report of such meetings will be sent to the Confederation CHQ directly. These meetings are to be organised between 5th and 10th September, 2011.
(b) Between 10th and 20th September, 2011 the State Committees of the Confederation will ensure that district level conventions are held and one of the State Committee member deployed to attend such convention in each district. The Sate Committees will send the report of these conventions to the CHQ.
(c) On 28th September, 2011 a massive Dharna programme will be organised in all State Capitals, district and divisional offices. At the State Capitals, a minimum number of 100 comrades will sit in Dharna. Lunch recess demonstrations will also be organised on the same date at the Dharna venue. One of the National Secretariat Members will attend the Dharna programme in each State Capital.
(d) All affiliates will organise a department level convention eliciting participation of the State level Executive on a date convenient to them but before 10th October, 2011. One of the National Secretariat members will make it convenient to attend such conventions.
(e) Rally and demonstration will be held in front of the office of the Chairman, Welfare Co-ordination Committee or any other central located place jointly by all the CGEs in all state capitals on 20th October, 2011.
(f) Immediate steps will be taken by all affiliate to circulate the petition to the Prime Minister on PFRDA bill. Copy of the petition will be handed over to each member to obtain his signature as also his family members and friends. The State Committee will hold a review meeting on 10th October, 2011 to monitor the progress and take necessary steps to expedite the campaign.
(g) The National Secretariat will meet at Bangalore on 22nd October, 2011 to review the implementation of the programme of action including the signature campaign and take necessary action to remove deficiencies if any noticed.
(h) The Confederation will mobilise 10000 employees to participate in the ensuing march to Parliament (date will be finalised by the Steering Committee by end of August, 2011).
(i) To organise a day's strike jointly by all the organisations which participated in the 22nd July convention. The date for the strike will be finalised by the steering committee.
The declaration adopted at the convention, the draft letter to the Prime Minister demanding withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill, campaign leaflet on PFRDA Bill are sent herewith. (Copies of the same are also placed on our website).
Points taken up in Confederation meeting at Chennai by Com P.S.Prasad. General Secretary
1) Providing Transport Allowance for field staff.
2) CGHS Ward entitlement as per grade pay instead of basic pay, minimum of semi private ward for all employees.
3) CGHS hosipital rates to be increased
4) Pension cases, Allotment of GPF Numbers to earlier Group ‘D’ , verification of Service books pending in PAO offices due to shortage of staff, more staff to be posted at PAO offices.
5) Parity with CSS cadre in pay scales of Stenographer, UDC, Assistant & Drivers etc.
6) CPWD quarters allotment as per old basic pay.
National Women Committee of Confederation met at Chennai.
The Women committee constituted by the National Women Convention held at Kolkata met at Chennai on 30th July, 2011. The Committee took the following decision. The meeting was presided over by the Chairperson, Com. Geeta Ghoshal and the proceedings were initiated for discussion by Com. C.P. Shobhana, Convenor.
1. To organise the International women's day on 8th March, 2012 at all State Capitals by organising a seminar on the subject "impact of the neo-liberal economic policies on women and women workers in particular"
2. To organise a State level Convention of women employees of the Central Government during September/October, 2011. The State Committees of the Confederation will take necessary steps to hold the convention.
3. To hold a demonstration in a prominent Central Government office by women workers in all State Capitals against the unabated price rise of essential commodities. The date will be finalised and intimated later. Steps will be taken to have massive participation of all women employees of Central Government in this programme by the State Committees.