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Monday, August 30, 2010

7th Sept 2010 Strike


All Affilates

COC, Karnataka

2010 September 7th All India General Strike: All out efforts are being made by the Central Trade Unions, Central and State Employees Federations and other Public Sector Unions to make the All India General Strike a historic success. The strike may turn in to an All India Bandh.

The State level convention of State Govt. Central Govt. and Defence Employees held on 26th August 2010 at Bangalore resolved to participate in 7th Sept 2010 strike.

Please ensure participation of all Central Govt Employees including Postal, RMS, Gramin Dak Sevaks, Income Tax, Accounts and Audit ,Central Excise, Survey of India , Ground Water, GSI etc in the strike. The respective Associations have already served strike notice to the thier Departmental heads. The tour programme of All India Leaders is in progress.

Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries are once again requested to organize intensive campaign programmes such as General Body meetings, conventions, office to office squad work, exhibiting notices and pamphlets etc and make the strike a resounding success.

Comradely yours


General Secretary

Monday, August 23, 2010

CGHS Guidelines

CGHS has issued new guidlines and rate list please go through it by clicking below link

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

18th Aug COC Meeting Minutes

The Karnataka COC meeting was presided by Com Vinod Vice President COC .

At the outset the Charter of demands for 7th September strike was brified to the members by the General Secretary.

The following decesions were taken

a) To participate in the 7th September 2010 strike called by all trade unions and joint forum of State and Central Govt. Employees, which has been endorsed by the Confederation.

b) To participate in State level Joint convention of Ste Govt. Central Govt Employess along with AIDEF to be held at Secretraiat Club hall on 26th August 2010 at 1 pm which will be addressed by Com M.S.Raja Secretary Confederation and Com Muthusundram of all India State Govt Employees Association at least 200 members are to represent in the COC allocation of units are as under 1)NFPE 75 members 2) ITEF 50 members 3) AGS 50 members 4)Survey of India 15 members 5) Ground water 10 members 6) CGHS 10members 6) GSI 10 members 7) CPWD 10 members 8) Central Excise 10 members, Leaders from Districts are requested to particiapte. An amount of Rs 3,000/ has been paid by the COC for the convention as intial payment

c) Posters and pamphelets will be avialable by friday/saturday Com K.P.Ravi will distribute them or can be collected through him at GPO office.

d) The COC thanks ITEF aand AIPEU (PIV) for clearing COC contibutions, other affliates are requested to pay their COC funds quato for the year 2009 and 2010 if not paid.
e)The Confederation will ensure that the Dharna programme decided upon earlier to protest against the vindictive actions in the IA & AD Department will be staged in first week of September 2010. in Consultation with AG's Employees Association all COC leaders should be present in the Dharna Program to condemn the vindictive actions in the IA & AD Department.

General Secretary

Saturday, August 14, 2010

26th state Level Convention

The Joint State level Convention of Karnataka State Govt. Employees Federation (okkuta), Bangalore,Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State, and All India Defence Employees Federation Bangalore will be held on 26th August 2010 at Secretariat club hall at 1 pm for organizing One day all India strike on 7th September 2010. which will addressed by Leaders of Confederation , State Govt. Employees Association and other trade union leaders. Please mobilse members from districts.

In the meeting of Sponsoring committee of Central trade unions and federations held at New Delhi on 15th July 2010 it has has called upon working class , Bank Employees, Insurance sector, Public sector employees, Central, State Govt. employees and teachers to participate in one day strike on 7th Sept 2010. in respect of following charter of demands

Charter of demands.

1. Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.

2. Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulate package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.

3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.

4. Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of converge of the schemes under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 and creation of National Fund for the Unorganized Sector to provide for a National Floor Level Social Security to all unorganized Sector workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in Unorganized Sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.

5. Disinvestment of shares of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is used for expansion and modernization purpose and also for revival of sick Public Sector Undertakings.

6. Fill up all vacant posts and lift the ban on recruitment.

7 Stop outsourcing/contractorisation of Governmental functions

8. Regularize all daily rated workers/employees/;Grameen Dak Sewaks and remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments; end the discrimination in the bonus ceiling of GDS employees.

9. Withdraw PFRDA bill and extend the statutory defined benefit pension scheme to all Government employees

10. Guarantee right to strike as a fundamental right of employees.

Part -II
Other demands
a) Grant 30% HRA for state Govt. Employees on par with Central Govt. Employees.
b) Revise OTA rates on par with Railways
c) Modify MACP scheme.
d) Implement arbitration awards.
e) Provide Compassionate Appointments on par with Railways

Attend mass meeting on 26th august. 2010 at Secretariat club MS building Bangalore at 1 pm in large numbers and show our determination and preparedness for struggle make 7th Sept. 2010 strike a success.

Issued by
All India Defence Employees Federation Bangalore
Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers
Karnataka State Govt. Employees Federation (okkuta), Bangalore

Strike Notice



Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden

New Delhi. 110 027

E mail:

Phone: 011 2510 5324

Fax: 011 2510 5324

Mobile: 98110 48303


Dated: 13th August, 2010


The Cabinet Secretary

Rashtrapathy Bhawan Annexe

New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

This is to give notice that the employees who are members of the affiliates of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers will go on one day's strike on 7th September, 2010. The charter demands in pursuance of which the employees will embark upon the one day strike action is enclosed.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General

Encl: charter of demands.

Charter of demands.

1. Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.

2. Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulate package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.

3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.

4. Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of converge of the schemes under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 and creation of National Fund for the Unorganized Sector to provide for a National Floor Level Social Security to all unorganized Sector workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in Unorganized Sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.

5. Disinvestment of shares of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is used for expansion and modernization purpose and also for revival of sick Public Sector Undertakings.

6. Fill up all vacant posts and lift the ban on recruitment.

7 Stop outsourcing/contractorisation of Governmental functions

8. Regularise all daily rated workers/employees/;Grameen Dak Sewaks and remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments; end the discrimination in the bonus ceiling of GDS employees.

9. Withdraw PFRDA bill and extend the statutory defined benefit pension scheme to all Government employees

10. Guarantee right to strike as a fundamental right of employees.