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Friday, July 20, 2012

CGHS Plastic Cards

OM No. Cards/BNG/CGHS Admn/2517 dt 8.6.12 of the Addl Director, CGHS to all CMOs incharge of CGHS Wellness Centres 

CGHS Bangalore has started issuing Individual Plastic Cards to the pensioners/ serving employees  with effect from 14.2.2012 for the new cardholders. It has been decided to change the existing cards of pensioners from old CGHS cards to the new individual Plastic Cards to each CGHS beneficiary with effect from 1.8.2012. All the pensioners who are holding old CGHS cards are required to submit duly filled application form in the prescribed format along with individual passport size photographs, contact phone number and address proof to the CMO Incharge of the concerned Wellness Centre. A specimen copy of application form is enclosed herewith. 

2. All CMO Incharges are requested to bring it to the notice of all the pensioners in their Wellness Center for changing old CGHS cards to individual Plastic Cards by putting up this in the Notice Board prominently. Sufficient applications may be kept at the Wellness Cent re to enable pensioners to submit the same before the due date. CMO Incharges are requested to collect the application form along with the documents from all the pensioners and serving employees  and send it to this office on 31.07.12 positively.

CLICK HERE FOR FORM  ( Page no 9 & 10)


Anonymous said...

Use of plastic cards in jail is quite impressive, seems plastic cards governing all the aspects of life..

Waseem said...

like the idea...using Plastic cards you should to keep it in mind it's quality and everything related to it.

Safdar Ali said...
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maria said...

Plastic Card plays an important role in flourishing of any business.