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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Consumer Price Index & DA December 2023

All India  Consumer Price Index numbers  for Industrial Workers-  CPI( IW) -  General Index - for December 23  decreased  by 0.3 points  and stood  at 138.8( Base year  2016=100). 

Consequently,  Central DA/ DR   due from 1.1.2024 will be 50.28 %.

Hence 50% DA/ DR crossed .

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Relay Hunger Fast at all work place for four days from 8-1-24 to 11-1-24

NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL OF ACTION (NJCA) ::  A National convention was held in 2014 at New Delhi by all the constituent Association's/Federations of the NC JCM , focussing on NPS ,and a need was felt to conduct agitations along with negotiations with Government. Accordingly the NJCA was formed comprising of all the constituents of NC JCM ,under the banner of which future struggles would be organised  . A 14 member steering committee was formed in the convention .All the agitational programs for the 7th CPC and thereafter had been conducted under it's banner .  Confederation is an active component/entity of the NJCA and has been part of  all the struggles. On the single issue of SCRAP NPS and RESTORE OPS , steering committee of NJCA met in December 22 and then on 7-1-23 and decided to hold a National Convention on 21-1-23  , bringing all like minded organisations together under one umbrella, who are fighting separately on the NPS issue . Accordingly ,JOINT FORUM FOR RESTORATION OF OLD PENSION SYSTEM (NJCA) WAS FORMED IN THE CONVENTION HELD ON 21-1-23 AT PYAREYLAL BHAVAN, NEW DELHI . Through the National Convention ,year long agitational programs of different forms were declared, precisely to be held on 21st of every month . A massive rally was held on August 10th 23 at Ramlila Maidan under the banner of JFROPS (NJCA) , about eighty to ninety thousand employees participated in the Rally. A memorandum signed by leader's of all affiliates , addressed to Hon'ble Prime Minister was given to the Government, requesting to Consider the Demand . It was also decided to go for an indefinite strike, if the Government doesn't concedes the demand ,after conducting the strike ballots mandatory for organisations like Railways, Defence and State Government. Strike ballots were conducted by the concerned organisations and more than 95 percent employees are in favour of strike action. NJCA, convened meeting of it's steering committee on 15-12-23 and opined that more preparation is required for the indefinite strike, and as a preparatory program has given a clarion call of Relay Hunger Fast at all work place for four days from 8-1-24 to 11-1-24 , on the single issue of SCRAP NPS and RESTORE OPS to all the Central/State Government and PSUs Employees, who are covered under NPS . All the Constituent/affiliates of Confederation are requested to ensure maximum participation of their member's in the Relay Hunger Fast, and make it a grand Success .

With Regards,

S B Yadav

SG Confederation.